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camp pictures

With some people from different 4x4-forums we met on witsun 2007. The main area was occupied by a quad group we camped on the small lawn behind the old barracks.

Camping in Peckfitz

the firewood is still protected against rain

Camping in Peckfitz

Volvo parking only - all others will be towed away

Camping in Peckfitz

Frank is watching out for quads...

Camping in Peckfitz

the dog had fun in the mud, too!

Camping in Peckfitz

with sunshine we made an outing to the forest

Camping in Peckfitz

Kai is happy with his TGB13

Camping in Peckfitz

on Frank_Firemans winch a part of the rope is stuck

Camping in Peckfitz

only the girls strong hands where able to untangle the loops

Camping in Peckfitz

end of a wonderfull evening at the campfire


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